Honourable Sudha Maa

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Sri Kalka Maa Dharmaarth Trust

Spiritual Program Organiser & Social Worker

Honourable Sudha Bhardwaj is a president of Shri Kalka Maa Dharmaarth Trust. Sudha Maa is doing lots of spiritual work from last 1o years. During Kumbh, Sudha ma has done remarkable work. She created camp site for indian & International devotee.She organised complete system for devotees by providing them fooding, accommodation, hawan kund, bhandara & other spiritual help.

Sudha Maa helps people in extreme need with their love and protection. They take utmost care in partnering with corporates, institutions and personals in getting donation for managing the key essential living of orphan children & old age people. Sudha Maa also works for woman empowerment in India.Estimates show that India is one of the worst countries with highest widows population. Most of them are abandoned and lack social protection. The Charitable Trust for Widows plays a critical role in ensuring financial security (By Providing Them Employment) and welfare infrastructure for many needy women. In many sad cases widow survivors get abused and lack support on legal aid, counselling, treatment, and backing to reconstruct their lives.Sudha Maa support needy & widow women.

Ms. Sudha Bhardwaj is awarded by World Book of Records London(UK).

Ms. Sudha Bhardwaj has been honoured for outstanding contributions in spiritual awareness and social welfare for betterment of society.The certificate of honour was presented by D. Diwakar Sukul (Chairmain, World Book of Records, London) to Ms. Sudha Bhardwaj. On this occassion Mr. Willi Jezler (Head Europe, World Book of Records), Shri Sankar Lalwani (Member of Parliament, Indore), Shri Varun Kapoor, IPD(Addl. Inspector General of Police,M.P.) & other prominent dignitaries were guests.On being honoured By World Book of Recors, London(UK).

Sudha Maa Vision

में चाहती हू की एक वृद्घाआश्रम बने ओर एक अनाथ आश्रम बने ताकि अनाथ बच्चों को माँ बाप व बुजुर्ग माँ बाप को बच्चे मिलेंगे ओर दोनो के मिलने से एक नए परिवार का जन्म होगा

और बाक़ी के जीवन की यात्रा मे माँ के श्री चरणो में ओर इस परिवार की सेवा मे गुज़ार दूँ क्यूँकि अपनो के लिए तो सभी जीते हे पर परमार्थ मे जीने का मज़ा कुछ ओर ही हैं

Ms.Sudha Bhardwaj

Sudha Maa is also in politics

With all humility, I wish to share that I have had a long association with the BJP, wherein I have brought rich laurels to the party through my impeccable track record of social and developmental works in different key parts of the capital city. Since actions speak louder than words, my efforts in the field of women empowerment, upliftment of the downtrodden sections of the society, providing employment opportunities to the economically weaker segments, are well known.
An elected representative has to be not only knowledgeable, but extremely patient and astute in public dealing. As a public representative, one has to be available 24x7 for the cause of the general public. By saying that he is not the Prime Minister, but the Pradhan Sewak, our dynamic PM Modiji has brought about a drastic transformation in the outlook of other MPs, MLAs and councillors across all party spectrums. Needless to say, he remains everybody’s unanimous inspiration and role model.
Though it is difficult to emulate him, we can always idolize him by treading on his footsteps and earnestly striving to come up to his expectations. As the modern day voter is giving unprecedented importance to the ‘candidate’s profile’ more than the party to which they are contesting from, it becomes imperative for the national party like BJP or the Congress to be extremely choosy about the candidate they have shortlisted for contesting elections from their party. As a dedicated grassroot BJP party worker, I have rendered my selfless philanthropic services for the last three decades.