Counselling Services

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  • Family Dispute Counselling

Sudha Maa is also providing couselling services.Anyone can take counselling services at any time, not just when you experience a crisis. You may want to improve your understanding of another family member, or build on the strengths of your relationship with your partner or family.

Family Dispute Resolution Services :
Child Contact Service - A Centrecare service assisting separated parents with child contacts.
Family Relationship Dispute (FRC) - The centre provides information to help people with their relationships.
Regional Family Dispute Resolution - This service assists separating, separated and divorced couples to quickly resolve disputes concerning children and/or property in the event of family breakdown.
Family Law Counselling - A Centrecare service to help people better manage their relationship or family problems.

Counsellin Services Include:

  • Divorce Counselling
  • Individual Counselling
  • Work Stress Counselling
  • Pre-Marital Counselling
  • Husband Wife Counselling
  • Husband Wife Counselling
  • Children Counselling
  • Family Counselling